Friday, December 19, 2008

Early Christmas present....

Two years later...... I get to do my show again. I totally want to revamp it though. I have learned alot in the last two years to help me do this. I don't want to do the 'classic' night show.... I want to do something new for the time slot. I have a lot of planning to start on.

If anyone who reads this has any suggestions, leave a comment...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My vacations are pretty much heading home to Wichita, chillen, and seeing friends and family. Not this time. Money is tight right now. Gas was killin me, then moving, I just haven't bounced back.

So it's my first stay-cation. Staying home. I thought about heading to Tampa, or somewhere like that, but I dont think I would have enough to get a hotel and gas and food. I might head to West Palm Beach and hang out with some friends there. I dont know.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend of productivity.

I was on a mission the weekend. To get ish done. I fixed my car, clean and did laundry, got back to the gym, and bathed my dog.

Now, to some, that doesn't sound like alot. To me, it is. I needed to get my locks on my car fix for some time. One had fell inside the door, and was screwing up my window when it rolled up and down. The other was my trunk. I am not one to enjoy working on cars. I hate it, but I have grown up around it all my life. My mom worked on cars, my family on my dad's side worked on cars, and when I lived with my aunt and uncle on the farm, we had to fix our own stuff. So I finally took on the task of taking apart my passenger side door. Something I have been dreading for weeks. Am I gonna break any clips that holds the panel on? Did someone try to break into my car and punched the lock through? Does the lock still work. Turns out, it worked fine. A bolt had came lose and fell out. Simple enough. and the trunk was just putting a bracket back on. Done in 30 min.

Cleaning and laundry and my dog where all just tedious tasks.

Oh, Finally had time to have Comcast hook up cable and internet! DVR is my new toy. Can't wait to get cought up on Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, and other show.

Alright. That's all for today.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Swagger like meeeeeeeee.

Life sometimes is good, and sometimes bad. I am used to it. I go up on the rollercoaster, and plummet down faster than the stock exchange. I hasn't killed me yet, so I guess it's going good.

Sometimes I wonder why things go bad. Why is it that every December is a 'bad' month for me? I don't know how this December will go, but the end of November was kinda crazy.

Then I look back at what I came from.....and all that crap that happens in December, really doesn't compare.

I have came from crap, and really life is GREAT. I really can't complain that much. Ehhh money gets tight, then I fix it.

Something to make you laugh.

So as the title of this blog states... No one in my apartment has a swagger like meeee.

PS, a parody video is coming soon.