Thursday, January 15, 2009


I think there are something in life that just embarrass me, even though it's not totally me. One, is when something goes wrong, and my phone gets shut off. Whats worse, is when you totally went to the website, logged in, clicked on make a payment, get sidetracked, and never hit the confirm payment button. So alas, my phone is off. I know what your thinking, but I never answer numbers that are not in my phone unless they are from Jacksonville, Alaska, Missouri, or Kansas. Yes, I also am very bad about checking messages. I normally just call you back when I see I have a missed call. I guess I should have checked it. No big deal though, i get paid today. Of course something is wrong with my paycheck. It's short. So my bill now is $241 and I have about half. Waiting on work to make the paycheck right and then I will get it back on.

The Brett Andrews Radio show will be in town this weekend. Kinda sad when you don't see your best friend for two years. Whats worse, is when you are this strapped for cash. No matter what this will be a great weekend.

Last... Someone who I have 'know' for at least 10 years, is making me smile.

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